.. _rhino_plugins: Plug-ins for Rhinoceros 6 =================================== This chapter describes the ComFLOW plug-ins for Rhinoceros 6 (Rhino) which can be used for generating tetrahedral volume meshes for defining the ComFLOW geometry and triangular surface meshes for defining monitor surfaces. The plug-ins provide the following functionality: - tetrahedral mesh generator (Rhino command ``cmfTetFill``) - import/export ComFLOW geometry files (\*.in) - import/export ComFLOW monitor surfaces (\*.in) Prerequisites ------------------------------ The ComFLOW plug-ins for Rhino require: * Rhinoceros version 6 (visit the `Rhinoceros webpage `_ for more information) * Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5. Usually this is already installed, but can otherwise be downloaded from the Microsoft website. .. _rhino_plugins/installation: Installation ---------------- To install the plug-ins perform the following steps: * download the ComFLOW plug-ins for Rhino from the user group website * unzip the folder at a convenient location (for example in ``%AppData%\ComFLOW\Rhino Plugins``) * start Rhino * open the folder ``%AppData%\ComFLOW\Rhino Plugins`` in the Windows Explorer * drag the below mentioned ``*.rhp`` files from the Explorer to the Rhino window (alternatively install the files via the Rhino menu **Tools/Options**, subsection **Plug-ins**) - ``cmf_rhino_commands.rhp`` - ``cmf_rhino_import_plugins.rhp`` - ``cmf_rhino_export_plugins.rhp`` * restart Rhino .. figure:: figures/rhino_plugin_menu.png :scale: 100% The Rhino plug-in menu. Generating monitor surfaces and geometry volume meshes ----------------------------------------------------------- For illustration purposes consider the simulation of flow around a simple sphere. A volume mesh has to be created to define the ComFLOW geometry and a monitor surface has to be created for monitoring the forces acting on the sphere. As starting point an example Rhino 3D file can be downloaded :download:`here <./downloads/sphere.3dm>`, in which all of the steps mentioned below have already been performed. .. figure:: figures/rhino_meshed_sphere.png :scale: 100% From left to right: surface (``Sphere``), surface mesh (``Mesh``), triangulated surface mesh (``TriangulateMesh``), tetrahedral volume mesh (``cmfTetFill``). The first step consists of creating a sphere and meshing its surface: * create a sphere surface object: - type ``Sphere`` - type ``0`` and hit Enter to create a sphere around the origin - drag the mouse to choose the desired size * select the sphere, type ``Mesh`` and hit Enter (a dialog pops up, adjust the meshing settings to your needs) * select the resulting mesh and triangulate it by typing ``TriangulateMesh`` and hitting Enter Having created the surface mesh, it can now be exported as ComFLOW monitor surface via the menu **File/Export selected...** or **File/Save as...**, selecting file type *ComFLOW monitor surface (\*.in)*. To create a tetrahedral volume mesh for the geometry definition, perform the following steps: * select the triangulated surface mesh * type ``cmfTetFill`` to fill the interior with tetrahedra; hit Enter to accept default settings (or make your preferred changes to the settings) * select the created unstructured volume grid and export it via the menu **File/Export selected...** or **File/Save as...**, selecting file type *ComFLOW geometry (\*.in)*. Importing and exporting files ----------------------------------- Surface and volume meshes can be imported in two ways: 1. drag files from the Windows Explorer to the Rhino window 2. via the menu **File/Import...** To export a volume or surface mesh, select the object in the Rhino GUI and click the menu **File/Export selected...** or **File/Save as...**: * when exporting tetrahedral volume meshes for GEODEF, save as type *ComFLOW geometry (\*.in)*, * when exporting triangular surface meshes for monitoring, save as type *ComFLOW monitor surface (\*.in)*. .. ..rubric:: Footnotes .. ..rubric:: References .. ..bibliography:: references.bib