.. _fixed_form_input: Porting legacy input to XML =================================== This chapter explains the steps that are needed to convert legacy input files (``comflow.in``) to the new XML input format. Although ComFLOW |COMFLOW_CURRENT_VERSION| is largely backwards compatible with the legacy input format, some simulation options may no longer be available, for example due to discontinued functionality. In order to convert legacy input files perform the following steps: 1. Run GEODEF using the legacy input files. 2. Go to the intermediate output directory ``${INTERMEDIATE}`` which is typically located at ``${OUTPUT}/intermediate``. Here three CFI files can be found: ========================= ===================================== File Contents ========================= ===================================== ``comflow.original.in`` a copy of the original input file ``comflow.processed.cfi`` an XML input file describing the processed simulation settings ``comflow.defaults.cfi`` an XML file describing all default settings ========================= ===================================== 3. Copy the file ``comflow.processed.cfi`` and use it as new input file ``${INPUT}/comflow.cfi``. 4. Manually check the validity of the file and make modifications if necessary, for example when using functionality that was not yet available in previous ComFLOW versions. .. .. rubric:: References .. .. bibliography:: references.bib