2. Spilling breaker [NB:OUTDATED!!]¶
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In this example ComFLOW is used to simulate an irregular wave on a 2D domain with a spilling breaker event.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- COMFLOW: This file was automatically generated by ComFLOW. Defaults are
substituted for missing settings. This file may require manual editing
before it can be used as simulation input. -->
<!-- SIMULATION: A brief description of the simulation -->
<simulation title="wave test">
<description>A CFD simulation</description>
<!-- OPTIONS: Basic simulation options -->
<options free_surface="true" multi_phase="0"/>
<!-- DOMAIN: Definition of computational domain -->
<extents>-101. 307. -10. 10. -115. 41.</extents>
<periodic>false false false</periodic>
<symmetry>false false false false false false</symmetry>
<!-- MOVING_FRAME: Moving reference frame -->
<moving_frame type="simple" set_gravity_in_moving_frame="0" set_forces_in_moving_frame="0">
<omega>0. 0. 0.</omega>
<amplitude>0. 0. 0.</amplitude>
<frequency>0. 0. 0.</frequency>
<origin>0. 0. 0.</origin>
<initial_position>0. 0. 0.</initial_position>
<!-- SHAPES: Geometric shapes that can be used for setup of geometry and
liquid. NB: shapes will only appear in the simulation if included in
geometry or liquid objects inside "/comflow/geometry/object[*]" or
"/comflow/initial_conditions/liquid/object[*]" -->
<!-- GEOMETRY: Geometry setup: actual definition of objects -->
<geometry exclude_exterior="false" integration_points="3" method="legacy" apply_cutoff="true" read_apertures="true" use_aabb_tree="true" use_moving_markers="false" open_up_io_boundaries="true">
<domain_walls>false false false false false false</domain_walls>
<object name="geo_fixed" moves_according_to="*">
<file_reader geodef_legacy_file="xml://geometry.in" filter="only_fixed"/>
<object name="geo_movingobject1" moves_according_to="*">
<file_reader geodef_legacy_file="xml://geometry.in" filter="only_moving"/>
<!-- WAVES: Definition of incoming/initial wave field and current -->
<waves start_with_still_water="false" initialize_fs="true" mean_depth="90.">
<!-- MODEL: Definition of wave model -->
<model model="none" period="8." length="0." height="0." angle="0." location_of_crest="0." order="10" dispersion_mode="calculate_k" standing="false" surface_tension="true"/>
<!-- CURRENT: Current -->
<current magnitude="0." angle="NaN"/>
<!-- RAMPING: Ramping for smooth startup of a simulation -->
<ramping ramptype="1" rampfs="1" ramp1="1." ramp2="0."/>
<!-- INITIAL_CONDITIONS: Initial conditions of the simulation -->
<!-- LIQUID: Settings for initial liquid configuration which can be defined
by a <box> and/or an <object> element -->
<!-- GREENWATER: Settings for initial greenwater configuration -->
<greenwater mode="0" high="0." low="0." length="0." width="0." a="0." b="0."/>
<!-- TIME: Time parameters and time integration settings -->
<time tmax="70." tcyclemax="Inf" dt="2.5E-002" dtmin="0." dtmax="2.5E-002" dtfact="0.5" fixed="false" tmaxexact="true" customdt="false">
<!-- CFL_FLOW: time step control based on a flow CFL criterion -->
<cfl_flow enable="true" min="0.5" max="0.9"/>
<!-- CFL_WAVE: time step control based on a wave CFL criterion -->
<cfl_wave enable="true" min="0." max="1."/>
<!-- INTEGRATION_METHOD: Time integration method -->
<integration_method feab1="1." feab2="0." ab_beta="10000." ddta="1." ddtb="0." ddtd="1."/>
<!-- BOUNDARIES: Setup of boundary conditions -->
<freeslip>false false false false false false</freeslip>
<forcing>0. 0. 0.</forcing>
<boundary io="52" spec="0." tstart="0." tfull="0.">-101. -101. -Inf Inf -Inf Inf</boundary>
<boundary io="11" spec="0." tstart="0." tfull="0.">307. 307. -Inf Inf -Inf Inf</boundary>
<!-- GABC: Parameters for the (generating-)absorbing boundary condition (G)ABC -->
<gabc a0="1.386" a1="0.141" b1="0.453" kh1="8.64" kh2="5." alpha1="0." alpha2="0." order="1" auto_tune="false"/>
<!-- WALLS: Diffusion, wall modeling and partial slip settings -->
<walls wallmodel="none" diffusion="ls_stag" psl="0." pscnf="0"/>
<!-- PHYSICAL: Physical parameters -->
<physical atmospheric_pressure="100000.">
<!-- LIQUID_PHASE: Properties of the liquid phase (phase 1) -->
<liquid_phase density="1025." viscosity="1.E-003"/>
<!-- GAS_PHASE: Properties of the gas phase (phase 2) -->
<gas_phase density="1." viscosity="1.7E-005" gamma="1.4"/>
<!-- SURFACE_TENSION: Surface tension properties -->
<surface_tension sigma="0." theta="90."/>
<gravitation>0. 0. -9.81</gravitation>
<!-- TURBULENCE: Turbulence modeling options -->
<turbulence model="none"/>
<!-- GRID: Grid and local refinement setup -->
<grid globalrefine="1" all_blocks="false">
<dimension>204 1 78</dimension>
<blocksize>6 1 6</blocksize>
<refinement>2 2 2</refinement>
<!-- COORDINATES: Coordinates of the base grid (level 0) -->
<coordinates griddef="legacy_comflow_in">
<!-- CUSTOM: Custom grid from (embedded) file -->
<custom file="*" format="with_dimensions"/>
<!-- STRETCHED_GRID: Simple stretched grid setup -->
<center>0.5 0. 0.</center>
<stretch>1. 1. 1.</stretch>
<!-- SUBGRIDS: Definition of subgrids for local grid refinement -->
<subgrid active="true" everywhere="true" level="-1" persistent="false"/>
<subgrid active="true" everywhere="false" level="0" persistent="false">-Inf Inf -Inf Inf -30. 35.</subgrid>
<subgrid active="true" everywhere="false" level="1" persistent="false">-Inf Inf -Inf Inf -20. 25.</subgrid>
<!-- ADAPTIVITY: Adaptive grid refinement -->
<adaptivity maximum_level="1" enable="true">
<criterion type="surface" level="1" threshold="0.05"/>
<!-- COUPLING: Settings for coupling to a.o. moving objects (prescribed and
interactive motions), XMF mooring module, external solutions (e.g. other
ComFLOW simulations), ... -->
<!-- XMF_MOORING: Settings for coupling to the XMF mooring module -->
<xmf_mooring xmf_mooring="false"/>
<!-- EXTERNAL_SOLUTION: Settings for coupling to a shared library -->
<external_solution specialbc_dllfile="linearwavesuperposition" specialbc_impose="false" specialbc_initialize="true" specialbc_ramp="false"/>
<!-- MOVING_OBJECTS: Setup of object motions and interaction -->
<moving_objects interaction_method="under_relaxation"/>
<!-- NUMERICAL: Setup of the discretization method and linear solver -->
<numerical imptol="1.E-003">
<!-- LINEAR_SOLVER: Settings for the linear solver -->
<linear_solver solver_choice="bicgstab_ilu" verbosity="0">
<!-- ILU_PRECONDITIONER: Settings for the ILU preconditioner (only used by
the BiCGSTAB solver) -->
<ilu_preconditioner droptol_p="1.E-002" droptol_uvw="1.E-002" droptol_gabc="1.E-006"/>
<!-- RELAXATION: Over-relaxation settings (only used by the SOR solver) -->
<relaxation omega="1.0001"/>
<!-- STOPPING_CRITERION: Stopping criterion and maximum number of iterations -->
<stopping_criterion inner_p="1.E-010" inner_uvw="-1." outer_p="1.E-014" outer_uvw="-1." iter_max="10000"/>
<!-- VOF: Settings for the Volume-of-Fluid method -->
<vof method="PLIC_VOF" correction="basic" advection="MACHO" plic_scheme="PLIC/Youngs" divl="0"/>
<!-- CONVECTION: Settings for the discretization of convection -->
<convection artificial_diffusion="1." scheme="b2" limiter="false"/>
<!-- STEADYSTATE: Options for steady-state calculations -->
<!-- LIMITS: Hard limits on velocities (e.g. in 2-phase flow) -->
<limits truncate_velocities_at="150."/>
<!-- INTERPOLATIONS: Settings for reconstruction of velocities (1-phase) /
densities (2-phase) at the free surface -->
<interpolations velocity_extrapolation="constant" pressure_extrapolation="linear" surface_irrotationality="false" density_averaging="gravity_consistent"/>
<!-- PARALLEL: Parallelization settings (note: it is recommended to use
command line options instead) -->
<parallel redblack="false" withomp="false" sequential_sor="false" sequential_bicgstab="false" sequential_momentum="false" enable_profiler="true" domains_per_thread="1"/>
<!-- OUTPUT: Settings for post-processing output -->
<output compression="none" precision="single">
<commoi dt="NaN" nr="0" tmin="-Inf" tmax="Inf"/>
<criterion dt="NaN" nr="0" tmin="-Inf" tmax="Inf"/>
<matrix dt="NaN" nr="0" tmin="-Inf" tmax="Inf"/>
<!-- PRINT: Output interval for time step summaries -->
<print dt="0.25" nr="0" tmin="-Inf" tmax="Inf"/>
<!-- PROFILING: Output interval for profiling information -->
<profiling dt="NaN" nr="0" tmin="-Inf" tmax="Inf"/>
<!-- VARIABLES: Extra output of grid variables in snapshots -->
<!-- VTK: Output interval for binary VTK-XML snapshot files -->
<vtk dt="0.5" nr="0" tmin="-Inf" tmax="Inf"/>
<!-- BOXES: Setup of observation boxes -->
<!-- MONITORING: Setup of monitoring objects -->
<!-- RELATIVE_WATER_HEIGHT: Definition of relative water height lines -->
<line dt="0.0"> 50. 50. 0. 0. -30. 30. </line>
<line dt="0.0">100. 100. 0. 0. -30. 30. </line>
<line dt="0.0">150. 150. 0. 0. -30. 30. </line>
<line dt="0.0">200. 200. 0. 0. -30. 30. </line>
<line dt="0.0">250. 250. 0. 0. -30. 30. </line>
<!-- SPECIAL: Setup of high-frequency special box output -->
<!-- RESTART: Settings for checkpoints and restarts -->
<restart reset_counters="false" load="false" dt="NaN" nr="0" tmin="-Inf" tmax="Inf"/>
<!-- DEBUG: Developer options -->
<debug debugmode="false" debuglabfs="false" divergence="false" debugexactsolution="false" withconvection="1." force_inline_velbc="false" keep_ee_labels="false" force_init_new_momentum="false" idbg="-1000" jdbg="-1000" kdbg="-1000" ldbg="-1000">
<symmetry_check threshold="1.E-005" absolute="true" uniformity="false" fix="false">0 0 0</symmetry_check>
<vof vofdbg_info="false" vofdbg_outofloopcheck="false" vofdbg_liqpct="false" vofdbg_sumfsk="false" vofdbg_snaps="false" vofdbg_pause="false" vofdbg_dump="false" vofdbg_monitor="false" vofdbg_allmonitor="false" vofdbg_print="false" voffix="false"/>
<!-- TESTCASE: Built-in testcases -->
<testcase exactapertures="false" flow_period="0." impose="0" type="0" velocity="0." thetaflow="0." phiflow="0." plane="0" tstart="0." tfull="0.">
<center>0. 0. 0.</center>
<!-- RESEARCH: Research options (use at own risk) -->
<research flags="0" lgr_with_e_cells="true" sqcyl_disturbance_u="0." hfmax="2"/>
<!-- FILES: Embedded files. These files can be referenced elsewhere by using
"xml://$filename". For ASCII files it is recommended to use
encoding="cdata"; for binary files it is recommended to use
encoding="base64". -->
<file name="geometry.in" trim="true" encoding="cdata">
om_cutoff = 2.0
wd = 115.0
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0.01826 2.76037 -79.49898
0.02823 2.82311 -80.74334
0.02309 2.88584 -85.95024
0.05245 2.94858 -86.83201
0.00200 3.01131 -90.26924
0.04801 3.07405 -99.20329
0.00786 3.13678 -99.66902
0.05378 3.19952 -105.42040
0.01027 3.26225 -108.74557
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0.06023 3.45046 -124.05499
0.01245 3.51320 -126.06867
0.06544 3.57593 -130.19554
0.02927 3.63867 -138.34314
0.04801 3.70140 -142.56237
0.02183 3.76414 -144.82467
0.04729 3.82688 -148.61477
0.02316 3.88961 -156.68401
0.03547 3.95235 -161.25296
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0.03778 4.07782 -173.42576
0.02956 4.14055 -175.85238
0.03032 4.20329 -179.49970
0.02860 4.26603 -188.17942
0.02639 4.32876 -191.79709
0.03101 4.39150 -200.93775
0.03156 4.45423 -204.37237
0.02639 4.51697 -207.29627
0.01995 4.57970 -216.80539
0.02482 4.64244 -219.40346
0.02111 4.70518 -228.73112
0.02227 4.76791 -232.00413
0.02168 4.83065 -241.20464
0.02292 4.89338 -244.08171
0.02197 4.95612 -253.41767
0.02225 5.01885 -256.67937
0.02067 5.08159 -265.77729
0.02726 5.14432 -275.07578
0.02131 5.20706 -278.23009
0.02325 5.26980 -287.70512
0.01423 5.33253 -291.03485
0.01717 5.39527 -300.11029
0.01226 5.45800 -308.89631
0.02813 5.52074 -312.38727
0.01280 5.58347 -321.66370
0.02546 5.64621 -331.17217
0.01051 5.70895 -333.54226
0.02575 5.77168 -343.68438
0.00937 5.83442 -351.74526
0.02716 5.89715 -356.12431
0.00945 5.95989 -363.85858
0.02293 6.02262 -374.61695
0.01712 6.08536 -382.90977
0.02345 6.14810 -387.33964
0.01695 6.21083 -395.00881
0.01999 6.27357 -406.16890
0.01848 6.33630 -413.65459
0.01637 6.39904 -418.66889
0.01690 6.46177 -432.50635
0.01502 6.52451 -437.77971
0.01762 6.58725 -444.81592
0.01500 6.64998 -456.74750
0.01559 6.71272 -463.49024
0.01200 6.77545 -469.54828
0.01559 6.83819 -482.22886
0.00972 6.90092 -488.09184
0.01310 6.96366 -501.22537
0.01538 7.02639 -507.27434
0.01336 7.08913 -519.94566
0.01230 7.15187 -526.14131
0.01184 7.21460 -538.74892
0.01138 7.27734 -544.84910
0.01336 7.34007 -557.63860
0.01374 7.40281 -563.91279
0.01441 7.46554 -576.40710
0.01082 7.52828 -582.50101
0.01249 7.59102 -595.13768
0.00823 7.65375 -601.72805
0.01479 7.71649 -614.01878
0.01069 7.77922 -620.70233
0.01489 7.84196 -632.69158
0.00941 7.90469 -645.85569
0.01440 7.96743 -651.41793